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Our Impact reached 30+ countries in Europe & Africa thanks to our partners!

The European Multidisciplinary Organization for Training and international Consulting (EMOTiC) is a civil organisation headquartered in Austria and with a country branch in France dedicated to strengthening the capacities of youth and adults on issues related to the development of their lives, careers and communities. Through training and consulting, we provide the necessary right competences and tools to enable the engagement of persons in shaping their own community and tackling social issues constructively. Thanks to mutual cooperation in capacity building initiatives, strategic partnerships and forward-looking projects, our work covers several areas such as DigitalisationInterculturality, WellbeingSustainability, Democratisation, Employability, Entrepreneurship, Peace and Security, Human Rights, Conflict Transformation, and Socio-political participation.  All our endeavours aim to achieve a positive impact and build more inclusive, peaceful, sustainable and healthy societies.​


Applying a wide range of proven participatory research methods and participatory self-analysis approaches leading to genuine insights into social issues.


Creating educational materials in formats of detailed manuals and micro workshops enabling reciprocal, full and inter-active involvement of target groups.


Designing modular learning, training and teaching contents mixing multimedia elements such as games, quizzes, videos, presentations and more!


Organising hybrid, online, and in-person training activities in the formats of short and long workshops, masterclasses, seminars, and hackathons.

Our work is enhanced by endorsing a European and a global multidimensional approach; fostering the role of youth and young adults in democratic and civic participation, as well as promoting a nuanced understanding of societal engagement.   ​​In a constantly changing and interdependent world, it is imperative to apply a multidisciplinary approach to the development processes to provide various transversal competencies (skills, knowledge, attitudes) that can be adapted to any context. Hence, as a dynamic organisation, we focus on several interconnected educational areas. As such, we support various international policies emphasised in the

(I) European Union Youth Goals & Strategy for 2019-2027;

(II) United Nations Security Council Resolutions 2250 (2015), 2419 (2018), 2535 (2020) on youth, peace and security;

(III) United Nations Sustainable Development Goals for 2030;

(IV) Council of Europe Charter on Human Rights Education.

In practice, we follow our own 4Es comprehensive approach to Engage, Empower, Enrich and Enhance


The main beneficiaries of our activities and projects are young people and youth between 14 and 30 years old from various backgrounds. We bring VIPs - very intercultural persons including locals, Europeans, refugees, third-country students, foreigners, migrants, immigrants, and more together. The diverse backgrounds are the most essential and enriching for all our learning and training experiences that take place through a rich multicultural environment that welcomes and embraces everyone and embraces our diversities! To ensure the proper realization of multiculturalism, all our activities and projects are implemented with the support of several strategies and measures for gender, inclusion, diversity, and environment.​

We acknowledge the Declaration on Cultural Diversity of the Council of Europe and carry out our work in line with this declaration and following the guidelines of the INCLUSION TOOLBOX from the European Youth Foundation. 

Our work is supported and funded by various international organisations.

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