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(closed) Training Course: The Art of Non-Formal Education - Águeda, Portugal (17.04 t0 23.04)

Participants already selected and the application closed: this was a call for applications for 2 participants (residents and citizens) from Austria between 20 and 35 years old for a fully-funded Training Course in Águeda, Portugal from 17.04 (arrival day) to 23.04 2022 (departure day).

A Training Course is a project where youth workers and youth leaders come together for several days to develop their competences (knowledge, skills, and attitudes) on a certain theme. The daily programme of the course is based on learning objectives and facilitated by experienced trainers. The training courses promote the initiative and creativity of participants and have a direct impact on their future youth work or youth policy activities, such as organising quality projects and providing intercultural and non-formal learning experiences for young people.


This call was particularly for the Training Course "The Art of Non-Formal Education" in Águeda, Portugal from Monday 17.04 (travel day) to Sunday 23.04 2022 (return day). This training brings together 30 youths from many different countries. The main aim to equip youth workers, educators, facilitators, and other professionals that work with young people with tools to empower youngsters through the use of Non-formal education methodology, and bring awareness for the importance that non-formal education has in the development of young people's skills and competences.


  • To promote opportunities for training and improving the work of Youth workers, through specialization and the transfer of know-how and experiences in the area of non-formal education (NFE);

  • To develop competences in the area of NFE as well as facilitation skills;

  • To discover diverse NFE techniques and tools and how to design, prepare and implement NFE activities;

  • Promote the creation of specialized collaborative networks, through support and incentives for the development of youth actions;


  1. If you are between 20 and 35 years old and live in Austria and would like to participate in this youth exchange, please send an email with a brief introduction about you and your motivation for participation in this youth exchange to AS SOON AS POSSIBLE;

  2. Once accepted, you will sign the participation agreement and fill in the application form;

  3. Then you should buy your travel ticket in consultation with EMOTiC;

  4. When it is time for the activity, you will travel together with the rest of the group from Austria;

  5. The food and accommodation are fully covered. You will be staying in a shared room in a hotel. And the food will include all options.

  6. After your return, you will be refunded the cost of the travel ticket.

Role of EMOTiC in this project: Partner and Co-beneficiary.

The project is funded by the ERASMUS+ Programme of the European Commission.


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