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(closed) Youth Exchange: Embracing Diversity and Inclusion - 4-12 Septemebr 2022 Vienna, Austria

This is an open call for applications for 5 participants (residents and citizens) from Austria between 18 and 28 years old for a fully funded Youth Exchange in Vienna, Austria from Monday 5.9 (first activity day) to Sunday 11.9 2022 (last activity day).

A Youth Exchange is a meeting of groups of young people from different countries who gather for a short period to participate in a non-formal learning programme (a mix of workshops, exercises, debates, role-plays, simulations, outdoor activities, etc.). With the support of experienced youth workers, participants in a youth exchange can develop competences, become aware of socially relevant topics, discover new cultures, and strengthen values like solidarity, democracy, etc.


This call is for the Youth Exchange "Embracing Diversity and Inclusion" that will be implemented in Vienna, Austria from Sunday 4.09 (arrival day) to Monday 12.09.2022 (departure day). This youth exchange brings together 42 enthusiastic young people from Austria, Croatia, France, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Spain, or Turkey (citizens, non-citizens, and residents). The main focus is at promoting intercultural awareness, social inclusion, and diversity among the young people, while supporting the personal development as global and active citizens. This is achieved through improving young people’s awareness, practices and understanding to better deal with diversity and to appreciate inclusion.

Learning outcomes:

  • Improving our understanding of diversity, social inclusion, and dialogue;

  • Developing our understanding of the importance of peace and human rights;

  • Exploring practical methods for enabling diverse groups to effectively work together and increase our intercultural awareness competences;

  • Developing our ability to explore and multiply the positive impact of interculturality, diversity and inclusion in our local communities;

  • Developing our skills and self-confidence related to diversity values.


  1. If you are between 18 and 28 years old and live in Austria and would like to participate in this youth exchange, please send an email with a brief introduction about you and your motivation for participation in this youth exchange to AS SOON AS POSSIBLE;

  2. Once accepted, you will sign the participation agreement, and fill in the application form;

  3. Then you prepare with the other participants from Austria,

  4. All meals during the training are covered. The training will take place at the Jugendgästehaus Brigittenau in 20th district.

  5. People from outside of Vienna will be refined for their transportation, and will be provided with accommodation.

Role of EMOTiC in this project: Main Coordinator and Beneficiary.

The project is funded by the ERASMUS+ Programme of the European Commission.


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